
paul kazbegi

I’m a recently “retired” public school educator (17 years) who remains deeply interested in issues relating to teaching and learning, among other things. Roughly five years ago, my wife Rebecca and I embraced a “sabbatical” of sorts, traveling globally for seven months–this served as a bridge between living and working in Kentucky to our return to New Hampshire, our home state. I approach travel and writing in a similar manner–they both quench my deep curiosity and appreciation for the elaborate tapestry of human experience.

As a writer, I’ve transitioned from solely first-person and how-to pieces relating to my own classroom experiences. I’m now actively pursuing education journalism, non-profit storytelling, case studies, and feature stories, among other genres. I love to learn, and I’m jazzed to be branching out in other areas for publication.

Thanks in advance for checking out my work, which has appeared in The Atlantic online, The Washington Post, Common Sense Education, The Chronicle of Higher EducationEducation Week Teacher, and NEA Today, among others.


psbarnwell at gmail.com 

Twitter: @mindfulstew